PR agencies and companies


Public relations agencies are an essential part of any company that wants to have a good online positioning, a good image and a solid and lasting reputation.

Nobody better than a PR agency knows the keys and the best strategies to face the online world, which is changing and requires a great deal of knowledge to stand out.

In this article we will tell you a little more in depth about the exact functions and services that a PR agency can offer to a company, whatever the sector.

The importance of public relations

Public relations agencies take care of everything that has to do with brand communication. From content creation, media relations, positioning, press releases and internal communication, to strategy and image design. All these important aspects are their competence.

All these elements are essential to build a solid, lasting and connected brand with your consumers and potential customers.

Having a team specialised in corporate communications is essential due to the high level of competition and the need to keep up to date with today’s advertising needs.

The advertising industry has changed a lot in recent years and continues to do so. A public relations agency made up of a team of experts in different areas of communication guarantees that you are up to date and the creation of a brand strategy adapted to the times.

What do PR agencies bring to companies?

A PR agency has different services:

  • Media relations: communication with the press is one of the bases to be able to transmit the message to your public. Although in recent years its importance has declined and the focus has been more on platforms that are emerging due to the digital transformation such as YouTube or Instagram, they are still important. Within this branch, a PR agency will carry out the writing of press releases, the organisation of events and press conferences, among other functions.
  • Public relations: the creation of strategies to create links, communication and relationships between the company and customers or other brands.
  • Digital communication and content creation: communicating your brand image and knowing how to choose the right tone and style, as well as creating a suitable strategy, will be other fundamental functions carried out by a PR agency. By creating websites, content for social media and blogs, and newsletters, you can convey your purpose, values and products or services in an appropriate way to consumers.
RP agencies and companies

Why use the services of a PR agency?

A public relations agency is essential if you want to carry out a global strategy that covers different communication fronts.

Thanks to the teamwork of different people specialised in different areas of communication, you will achieve a homogeneous strategy that takes into account different lines.

Using the services of a PR agency has many more advantages than hiring different professionals externally and independently.

On the one hand, there will be better coordination and a much more compatible strategy if you have a group that works together and is part of the same company.

On the other hand, it will also be much more economical for your company to allocate the budget to an agency than to distribute it among different workers.

Finally, by working with an agency you have the support of many professionals and a well-structured organisation in which, if any setback arises, it can be managed in a much more efficient and organised way.

We are the PR agency you need

At Finzel, we are a global strategic communications agency that can take care of all areas of your brand’s communications.

We will analyse your business from different angles to find your strengths and weaknesses and attack them from different angles.

We have been able to work with a wide range of sectors and have extensive experience in different areas.

If you need to make a 180º change to your company’s communication strategy or you want to explore new horizons, contact us and we will work to achieve your goals.

FINZEL PR | Your PR Agency in Spain

We offer customised PR and digital content services


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