Public relations and advertising: What is the difference?


The mistake is to assume that advertising and public relations are synonymous, even though they will always go hand in hand. The field of communication and marketing encompasses a wide range of terms, strategies and objectives.

This is where any and all differences between the various concepts are to be found. However, beyond the objectives, which are very different in each discipline, the main difference lies in the fact that advertising is controlled.

In the case of advertising campaigns, the message, the tone, the creativity, everything is controlled and studied so that it is exactly as desired. Advertising goes out in the media after payment, providing the materials from the brand or company.

On the other hand, public relations lose control of advertising. Relationships and personal links are worked on, information is shared with the intention of influencing the media, but the result will be spontaneous and uncontrolled.

Public relations and advertising are not the same

The two disciplines, although related, are executed differently and, moreover, professionals tend to specialise in only one discipline. This specialisation does not imply ignorance of the rest.

Both try to inject a plus in brands, both in terms of dissemination and reputation and awareness. Everyone talks about you, but not in the same way or with the same objective.

Shared characteristics between the two

The relationship with their audiences. The links that are created and flourish around each brand are the reason to keep growing and working on each strategy in order to increase both the reputation and the community generated.

Thus, both public relations and advertising relate, in one way or another, with the public in order to feed back that relationship or impression and increase interaction.


In terms of communication and marketing, both advertising and public relations go hand in hand in speaking directly about the brand. These are two very powerful communication tools to make the brand itself the centre of the company.

Therefore, the brand must be present in every action that is carried out. In marketing, public relations cooperate in advertising campaigns to be able to monitor and know which campaigns are most effective and why.

PR manages the scope and media coverage, while advertising invests and decides in which spaces the brand will appear.

Campaign creation

Investing is winning and therefore, with the rise of social networks and the digital sphere, public relations has found a great opportunity in the generation of campaigns with the aim of getting the brand recognised among the audience.

The combination of campaigns in different media: the brand’s own blog or networks, paid advertising and the media that talk about the brand, is the best recipe for success.

Difference between public relations and publicity

Difference between PR and advertising

The main difference between public relations and advertising lies in their execution, although both work to achieve greater brand visibility, the differences are notable.

Why? Because advertising tries to sell directly, to achieve a clear consumption by the receiver; while public relations tries to establish and maintain links with the audience so that, spontaneously, they make purchases or interact with the brand in an effective way.

The development of these relationships is nurtured through the activities and strategies established by public relations, from communication with journalists and the media to the management of environmental problems or even communication with employees.

Content creation

Content and message is the most important thing in the advertising and public relations sector, with each party focusing on its own speciality. However, the information and values conveyed must be in line with each other despite their differences.

Public Relations Content

In Public Relations, the content is pampered and cared for to the maximum because the maximum value is in the message. This is the visible part of the whole strategy with the aim of persuading and influencing both the press and the different audiences.

It is this content that generates opinion, creating topics of conversation and getting different audiences talking about the brand. The reinforcement of each link, as well as the creation of new ones, is the ultimate goal.

Therefore, every piece of information conveyed in all types of content and business communication is treated objectively, seriously and rationally.

Content Advertising

Content advertising is commonly known for its highly creative and attention-grabbing nature, with the sole objective of capturing and conquering the audience in a direct and effective way.

With this, a reaction is sought that can be transformed into a sale, interaction. The intention, the message and the strategy itself is more commercial, focusing on the consumption of a certain product or service through the emotions or originality of the content.

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